Welcome to Warrior Hearted Mom

Equipping Moms moms to embrace the calling of motherhood from a place of victory.

Meet Stefani

Well hello there! Thanks for being here. My name is Stefani Stoltzfus, and I'm the creator of Warrior Hearted Mom. My husband and I have been married for 8 years, and we have four precious kids, who keep life fun, real, and sometimes a little crazy. (I'm writing this while my 2 year old wiggles on my lap, dressed up like the Grinch and sniffing a cucumber.)
We live in sight of the Rocky Mountains, in a land that is reminiscent of Narnia under the Snow Queen. (Always winter, never Christmas, anyone?)

I did not start Warrior Hearted Mom because my parenting is perfect. Our house is a crazy place, where the counters are rarely free of dirty dishes and I usually feel like the laundry is coming out of my ears. But despite the outer chaos that is #momlife, I have learned that it is possible to parent with a peaceful and victorious heart, because of Jesus and the battle He has already won on my behalf. 

I am passionate about helping women to engage in their relationship with Jesus and their children, and to walk victoriously in the calling Jesus has placed on their life every single day. 

For that purpose, I would like to invite you to join the Warrior Hearted Mom Community. You will be able to participate in life-giving Bible Studies (both personal and Mommy and Me options!) Bible Reading Plans, and small group discussions, along with access to the Warrior Hearted Mom Library.

Meet Elli

And my name is Elli. I co-lead Warrior Hearted Mom with Stefani, but I didn’t start out that way. You see, my husband and I had struggles on and off with our children that just seemed like more than behavior. We made diet changes, but that didn’t solve it all either. We revisited our parenting and although we knew we weren’t perfect, we also couldn’t see a major reason for things that were being said and done by one of our kiddos. It slowly became clear that we were fighting a spiritual battle, not a physical one. And when we put the RIGHT tools to work, our home has been completely different ever since.

So originally I came to Warrior Hearted Mom for the accountability to help me deal with issues in my own life, prayer when I need extra hands holding up my own and education, all to help me battle spiritually for my kids. I’ve realized that as moms, we often shrug our shoulders and accept things in our lives when God provides the means to conquer them. This is why I joined Stefani in her journey to offer moms a hand up. We desperately want to train mamas (yes, you!) to use the armor God has given them to make an eternity of difference in their children’s lives.